Zombie Hospital Emulator Pc

Zombie Hospital - Beat the Undead Infection With Your Health Facility

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Zombie Hospital On Pc

Zombie Hospital – Idle Tycoon

Developer: Hot Siberians

Category: Simulation


The world is now infected with an undead virus, and every corner is filled with bloodthirsty zombies. To manage the pandemic’s impact, your task is not to kill the zombies. Instead, you’ll be curing them in Zombie Hospital – Idle Tycoon.

Developed by Hot Siberians, Zombie Hospital is an idle hospital simulator where you’ll work with multiple apocalyptic survivors, create a safe place for survivors and infected ones, and find a perfect treatment to make them humans again.

Zombie Hospital – Managing the Ultimate Healing Facility

In Zombie Hospital, you’ll be starting the game with a small clinic, and with your utmost efforts, you can make it a huge hospital that can accommodate the most notorious zombies worldwide. To get closer to your goal, which is to expand your hospital, you must be more strategic in managing the patients and staff by upgrading whenever possible.

You must deal with various infection levels as you go through this zombie simulation game. Regardless of your patients’ conditions, you must ensure that your staff utilizes correct medical procedures and provide the utmost attention. The government will give you funds that you can use to elevate your facility and services as well.

Upgrade Your Hospital & its Treatment Quality

As you progress in managing the Zombie Hospital, the aggression of the virus will become stronger. There are times that your staff will encounter some patients that can bite or rage and infect your staff. To prevent this from happening, upgrading your laboratory and creating more effective medicines will be best. It will also be a great idea if you’ll start putting up recreational items like TVs, benches, musical instruments, and many more.

Aside from elevating the services of your Zombie Hospital, it will also be a good move if you expand your clinic and add more rooms for your patients. All the while hiring more nurses and doctors to help you treat the patients. You can add more professionals like therapists, paramedics, scientists, builders, and janitors as well.

What is more impressive about Zombie Hospital is that you can play this game even away from your keyboard. All you have to do is set your development strategy and equip your hospital with the best medical devices. Even in idle mode, your hospital will continue earning. Check them once you log in again to the game.

Exhilarating Zombie Hospital Features To Explore

  • A challenging zombie simulation game
  • Experience treating various levels of infection
  • Playable in active or idle mode
  • Manage and expand your hospital facility and treatment
  • Add recreational materials to lessen the aggression
  • Hire additional professionals

Are you incredibly fond of simulation games like Zombie Hospital? Extend the fun and find more exciting related games here in EmulatorPC. To give amazing options, you can play Transit King Tycoon: Transport and Idle Police Tycoon – Cops Game on your PC.

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EmulatorPC, is developed and powered by a Patented Android Wrapping Technology, built for the PC environment, unlike other emulators in the market.

EmulatorPC encapsulates quality mobile Apps for PC use, providing its users with seamless experience without the hassle of running an emulator beforehand.

To start using this program, simply download any selected Apps Installer. It will then install both the game and the wrapper system into your system, and create a shortcut on your desktop. Controls have been pre-defined in the current version for the time being, control setting varies per game.

EmulatorPC is built for Windows 7 and up. It’s a great tool that brings PC users closer to enjoying quality seamless experience of their favorite Android games on a Desktop environment. Without the hassle of running another program before playing or installing their favorite Apps.

Our system now supported by 32 and 64 bit.

Minimum System Requirements

EmulatorPC may be installed on any computer that satisfies the criteria listed below:

Icons OS
Operating System

Windows 7 or above

Icons CPU

Intel or AMD

Icon RAM

At least 2GB

Icons HDD

5GB Free Disk Space

Icons GPU

OpenGL 2.0+ support